(EDIT: He deleted this and made a new tweet in place posted in the comments below)
Isaac just mentioned the Bratz making a comeback again in this tweet after the previous LinkedIn post. He also included an Instagram post from a Bratz account that reposts people's photos.

Isaac acaba de mencionar que Bratz regresarán de nuevo después de la publicación anterior de LinkedIn. ¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos?
Исаак только что упомянул, что девушки (Братц) возвращаются снова после предыдущей публикации LinkedIn. Что ты думаешь?
Well, lets hope they aren't bad.. because I know for sure not everyone is gonna be pleased. Because some fans want new, while some want old.
Apparently he deleted the tweet above but I'll keep its trace there. He posted a new one in place: